Ice Cream Shop Dramatic Play Printables
Change up your dramatic play space with this lovable ICE CREAM SHOP. This pack includes all you need to create your play space and is suited to children of all ages. Just select the pages best suited to your target children.
This download includes 2 files.
►PDF File: This file includes all the printables you will need to set up this play space.
★ Display Banner
★ Open/Closed Sign
★ Opening hours (2 versions)
★ Signs and Posters (Menu, Ice Cream Flavours, Today’s Specials)
★ Labels (All ice cream flavours, Cherries, Spoons, Sprinkles, Cones, Bowls, Scoopers, Sauce, Cash Register)
★ Vocabulary Words (All ice cream flavours, Sundae, Milkshake, Sprinkles, Cream, Chocolate sauce, Cherries, Cone, Popsicle, Cash register, )
★ Job Character role tags (Scooper, Customer, Cashier)
★ Forms (3 versions varying from simple to complex)
★ Loyalty Stamp Card
►►PowerPoint File: This file is to help you introduce your play space.